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I have a 20 year old gelding “Kiddin” I run on the barrels. I was having a tremendous amount of trouble with him last year refusing to go in the gate, so much so that he was starting to rare and strike when I was trying to get him in. He is a cribber and while I have never had him scoped, I suspected he was dealing with ulcers. I started Seabuck in March of this year on advice from my trainer. “Wow” is all I have to say. I was amazed at the difference it made. Not only does Kiddin look better but he feels better. I entered the Xtreme Barrel Race in Salina, UT in May and was very nervous about getting Kiddin into the arena, as you have to go into a holding pen and then into an alley. Not only did I not have trouble getting him into the holding pen, but he took off like a rocket into the alley way and I actually had to slow him up a bit. He never refused me once. I believe in Seabuck and will continue to use the product.

I have a 5 yo quarter horse gelding. As a 4 yo he was losing weight, had a rough discolored coat and was a pacer. I finally took him to my vet who tubed and wormed him routinely. We placed him on some other products for 60 days. After 60 days, we put him on SeaBuck Complete and: What a difference! He gained weight and his coat is slick and shiny……. Thanks for the great product. I am using it on my other horses.

I have been using Seabuck for two months and it has really made a differnce in my horses. This past weekend, I was Reserve Canadian College Barrel Racing Champion as well as the season leader.

I do not know if it’s even possible but I’m already seeing a difference in Levi! Today was day 4 of his Seabuck. I took him to “slow work” him as I am bringing him back after being off for about a month. He has been so lethargic and it’s been such an effort to make him want to move or run that I just really didn’t want to ride him. I worked him today and see such a difference. He actually has energy! I didn’t have to beg him to move out. He did it on his own. He wasn’t hyped-up or racey, just a willing worker. He was calm as always but you couldn’t call him sluggish or lazy today. I was totally amazed and I am starting to see a glimpse of hope that I will have my running horse back soon.

After a couple of uses, my six year old gelding started being more consistent and less nervous. He has placed in or won several barrel race averages since I have had him on the product. Before, he was very hit and miss.

I have tried many different ulcer products through the years and was a big skeptic on this one. Well let me tell you that SeaBuck Complete is great and it works. In just a few short weeks my gelding was looking and acting so much better. I was even able to take my usually nervous and scared horse to his first rodeo and he walked in like he owned the place. I will be putting all my horses on it and I cannot thank you enough for offering such an awesome product!

SeaBuck 7 Bovine

Natural Nutritional Supplement for Bovines


SeaBuck 7 Bovine is a healthy food-based, readily absorbed and digested natural supplement that contributes to the health and wellness of cattle and livestock.  Each serving provides over 190 bioactive compounds including the best source of Omega 7 plus  megas 3, 6 and 9; vitamins, flavonoids, carotenoids, selenium and a host of other nutrients and powerful antioxidants. Benefits include weight management, digestive support, improved internal and reproductive functions plus a great looking coat and nourished  hooves.