Frequently Asked Questions

Any time a trainer or breeder considers changing the dynamics of a process such as training or care regimens, initial answers to critical questions of safety as well as effectiveness need to be determined. We greatly appreciate your extended interest in learning about the benefits and use of SeaBuck. Horses are individuals and although the following answers have been shown to be reliable in actual application with our test and demonstration cases, some result variation may exist from horse to horse or area to area.

The following questions should address most of your concerns. You can submit any other questions or concerns directly to

Is SeaBuck safe for my animals?
YES. Horses have used SeaBuck over extended periods of time.  No adverse conditions or side effects have been observed in the animals or shown up in extensive clinical testing or veterinary examinations.

What clinical studies support the use of SeaBuck?
Formal studies directed at different aspects of the use of SeaBuck are in the process or have already been completed. One study showed that use of SeaBuck on race horses in on-track training showed no restricted substances in blood or urine.  Another study showed how SeaBuck supports normal digestive function with a marked reduction in size and numbers of problematic digestive issues.

How can I find out about new studies and applications?
We are constantly working with trainers and veterinarians throughout North America in attempts to define the use and to determine the effectiveness of SeaBuck on all types of horses.

Does SeaBuck comply with track steward rules and conditions?
YES.  Under strict test conditions, fluids were collected and samples were submitted to certified laboratories to test for any foreign or restricted substances.  The results were submitted to track and industry officials and pronounced safe for use.  Since that time, SeaBuck has been used on track with winning results and no testing compliance issues.

Have Veterinarians reviewed SeaBuck?
YES.   Leading veterinarians have reviewed the product and have found nothing that could cause ill effects. During their research, they realized many potential reasons for use on all classes and breeds of horses.  One veterinarian is also a trainer and is using SeaBuck on some of her own horses.

What positive impacts will I notice when I use SeaBuck?
When used as recommended, several conditions should be noticed relatively quickly.  SeaBuck supports a healthy digestive function, resulting in a healthy appetite. SeaBuck supports balanced behavior, with many horses being more compliant. Yet during training and work, the horse should be more focused, ‘dialed in’ on the task at hand. SeaBuck supports normal physical and mental performance as well as supporting a healthy coat.

How much do I use for each horse?
There is some variation needed when the individual horse is considered.  For instance, a horse in rigorous training may require 4-6 ounces per day while a broodmare in gestation may only need the recommended 3 ounces per day. Each gallon and half gallon container comes with a one ounce pump for easy measurement.

What makes SeaBuck different from other seabuckthorn products?
For over forty years, the founders of the SeaBuck Company have been investigating the impact and benefits of the seabuckthorn plant.  In order for the fruit of the plant to retain its natural benefits, it must be harvested and processed in specific ways.  The Seabuck Company has developed unique and proprietary processes and formulas for the aspects of handling and processing the fruit of this amazing plant.  The end result is a formulation that ensures the properties of the plant are protected and insulated in every container of SeaBuck.

How do I store Seabuck?
Seabuck just needs to be stored in a cool dark place. Keep out of direct sunlight.

Where can I buy SeaBuck?
SeaBuck can be purchased on line by clicking on BUY NOW . Or you can find the nearest dealer in your area by clicking on our FIND A DEALER page.

Can I drink Seabuck?
Seabuck is not formulated for human consumption. For a human seabuckthorn product visit

Product | Digestion | Benefits | Science | FAQ’s