Horse Whisperer: How To Understand What Your Horse Is Telling You

  Horse Whisperer: How To Understand What Your Horse Is Telling You Ongoing studies are looking into how to objectively assess pain in horses with the goal of improving pain scoring systems and facilitating improvements…

Can SeaBuck Supplements Boost Equine Energy Levels?

Horses can be susceptible both to fatigue, as well as fatigue-related illnesses. There may be underlying reasons for the feeling of lethargy. Or it may simply be that you want your horse to have an extra feeling of vibrancy and sparkle for…

SeaBuck 7 & Ulcers – What Your Horse Wants You to Know

Horses. The herd meanders into view, slowly rising over the hill’s crest, grazing the stretches of tall grass as they move. The image would be familiar 10,000 years ago… or last week. Horses have evolved to spend their days journeying…
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SeaBuck 7 Equine:
Performance, Focus, Stamina

Natalie Foutch Pro Barrel Racer "Orville and I love SeaBuck 7! Orville's palomino coat is a deep rich color but most importantly, I love how calm and focused Orville is at every run in the alley way! SeaBuck 7 is a must in my barn and especially…

Extra Winter Care for Your Horse with Omega 7

The colder and colder it gets... the more nutritional support your horse needs. Despite our best efforts, there are many essential bio-active compounds you can include into your horses diet to help them better get through these cold months. Omega…

LSU Professor Investigates SeaBuck Equine for Ulcers

All Natural Horse Supplement Proves Effective in the Treatment of Gastric Ulcers "Veterinary medicine professor Frank Andrews studied the effects of horse stomach ulcer treatment, finding sea buckthorn berries healed some parts of…

Customer Success Story: 30 Days to Improvement!

"My name is Lynn and I have an 8-year-old Quarter Horse named Frosty Bud Light that I compete on for barrel racing. Bud had issues with ulcers when I bought him and began his training as a 6-year-old. I treated with Omeprazole and had good improvement.…